Well thats all for now. Thanks for reading!
Love ya,
Well thats all for now. Thanks for reading!
Love ya,
They are all avalible at Fallen Angel. I have heard the bow isn't free for some people, but it was for me, but it is only one dollar so watever. The jacket and the shoes seem to have worked for everyone. Some people are saying that these Splendid, gold circle earings are free, but it didn't work for me. Maybe it will for you, but I don't think they are worth the risk. Thats all for now
Love ya,
They are very similar, huh? If you haven't got this dress you should get it now while you can because it is on SALE for only $4! One day it will be worth a TON! Here is another one:
I like this one the best. It is very sophisticated yet trendy and modern. It is also on SALE for $4! What a great deal! Well that is all I have for now! Check back later and hopefully I will have some more news for you
Love ya
P.S I am working on a stardoll magazine!
What do you think of it? I think it is alright but I don't like it when stardoll does themes like this. I just want that DKNY to come out!
There is also some in the minishop. I don't really like it, but thats me. Anyway it is all kitchen stuff and I don't have a kitchen in my suite. Enjoy
Love ya ~Sara
Well also I wanted to say goodbye to Free.Stuff and Free.Things. Stardoll deleted them because they gave information on how to get free stuff. I was a part of both clubs and I am really mad they are gone! They gave a lot of useful information. I just hope they don't delete the club FREE. Well at least they can't delete my blog :).
Love Ya
We all know this means a new DKNY collection is on its way! Hopefully it will be better than previous collections. Not that I didn't like them, but I am a collector of DKNY now and I want them to be really good! Anyway, I did a little research and found this picture of the Winter/Fall 2008-2009 DKNY collection:
I am not exactly a fan of this collection. I have seen better from DKNY. I do like the pinkish/red dress though. I don't think that anything from stardoll DKNY has looked like this yet so, maybe this is the new collection. But it could be the new DKNY spring 2008-2009:
It looks like this collection has a lot of lime greens and blues not to mention polka dots and stripes! I have to say I like this better than the Fall/Winter 2008-2009 collection. Now these are just a few of the outfits that I saw. To see the whole collection go to:
I can't wait to see the new collection! I sure it will be great wether it is either of these collections or not! Well hopefully soon we will know. THANKS FOR READING!
Love ya! ~Sara